Example 1. They usually have a wide variety of industrial and technological activity. English Vocabulary: Lesson 3-Describe Your City or Village This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. Adjectives that start with A are indeed very useful. The search box should be a simple word or phrase, like "tiger" or "blue eyes". There are lots of things to do. Describe a city essay ,we will provided you with an essay on a city I visited to be suitable for students. ____________________________________________________________. What was Captain James Cook's contribution to eliminating scurvy? "He came and did it with us, did this show.. E.g. ________________________________________, 2. For example, the word "blue" can be an noun and an adjective. There are lots of things to see and do. Please note that Describing Words uses third party scripts (such as Google Analytics and advertisements) which use cookies. Adjectives ending -ish can be used as collective demonyms (e.g. the English, the Cornish). located on or near the sea. I personally believe that we are sounding better and better every day," Kirby said. Remember that a simile is a type of metaphor that compares two describe Describing Some images used in this set are licensed under the Creative Commons through Flickr.com.Click to see the original works with their full license. The ending -man has feminine equivalent -woman (e.g. - My neighborhood is quiet and safe. Part 1 Directions: You are choosing a new house to buy. The top-spec City Hybrid is priced at INR 20.39 lakh (ex-showroom, Delhi), with the updated variant starting at INR 11.49 lakh. Here are some adjectives for ~term~: . This article provides a list of adjectives that can be used to describe various aspects of a city. Improve your vocabulary with a full range of videos, articles and live lessons! font-size:; a broken object has been damaged and is in two or more pieces, spoiled by something such as a fault or mark, or lacking something, something that is tattered looks in very bad condition because parts of it have been torn, a war-torn country or place has been badly damaged by a war, especially a war that involves different groups from the same country, something that is chipped is damaged because a small piece has broken off its edge, broken or divided into many different parts or pieces, a battle-scarred person, object, or place shows clearly that they have been injured or damaged in a war, literary damaged by storms, heat, or lightning, a dog-eared page or book has been used so much that the corners or edges have become damaged or torn, used for saying that something is damaged or destroyed and falls to the ground, British broken, useless, or not working correctly, British useless, broken, or poor in quality, seriously damaged or completely destroyed, for example in a war, gradually being destroyed or becoming weaker, offensive an extremely offensive word that means completely broken or destroyed, offensive an extremely offensive expression that means completely broken or in a very bad state, if a building is gutted, it is badly damaged or completely destroyed, if something is holed, something has made a hole or holes in it, Britishvery informal hurt, damaged, or destroyed, a leaky object or container has a hole or crack in it so that liquid or gas comes out of it, AustralianNew Zealandinformal completely broken or ruined, if something is out of action, it cannot be used, for example because it is broken or is being repaired or cleaned, containing a hole or a series of small holes in the surface, a pitted surface has small marks or holes in it, full of a lot of small holes, usually made by bullets, scuffed shoes have marks on them where they have been rubbed against a rough surface, British shop-soiled goods are cheaper than normal because they are slightly damaged or dirty, American if clothes or other goods in a store are shopworn, they look slightly damaged or dirty, especially because they have been used in a display, damaged or destroyed by a bomb, fire, flood etc, damaged or spoiled by being used a lot or by becoming old, bent or curved, usually because of damage by heat or water, a washed-out road has been damaged so much by rain or a flood that people cannot drive on it, damaged or made rough by being out for long periods in bad weather.